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News - Page 6
Effective Omnichannel Management
Delivering the best possible and routinely consistent customer experience, wherever your buyers interact with your business - that’s the...
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#ECOMMERCE#FEATURE - 2nd August 2021
Elastic Search
As a customer, the first step of a successful eCommece experience is being able to find the products you need; whether you know exactly what...
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#ECOMMERCE#LAUNCH - 2nd August 2021
Lukehurst - Site Launch
We've got a longstanding relationship with Lukehurst and we're proud to announce that they've just switched over to our new platform!
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#B2B#ECOMMERCE#STRATEGY - 20th July 2021
Practical tips for optimising your B2B eCommerce strategy
The business to business sales environment brings with it a range of challenges, and businesses throughout the B2B eCommerce market need to optimise...
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#ECOMMERCE#FEATURE - 6th July 2021
Pick a Day
Make it easy for the customer to buy your products; that’s the goal of Conversion Rate Optimisation. You want to remove obstacles and steer...
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10 steps to improve omnichannel customer experience
Retail footfall is steadily increasing as Covid restrictions unlock, making now a critical time for retailers with physical outlets to flex their...
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#NEWS#GOOGLE - 21st June 2021
Google Analytics 4
First, a little background. Google Analytics is the industry standard for website analytics. Thanks to their market dominance, Google have access...
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#B2B#LAUNCH - 1st June 2021 - Site Launch
- is part of the larger Kingspan group. This Irish multinational trades across Europe, and needed a solution that could handle both the...
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How to diversify your business with multi-channel retail
In this post, we aim to provide answers to the question - what is multi-channel retailing?
And, in pursuit of knowing what is required to update...
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#ECOMMERCE#LAUNCH - 26th April 2021
Wool and Wisdom - Site Launch
Wool and Wisdom are a British mattress manufacturer that specialises in using wool in their products. Unlike a lot of companies, Wool and Wisdom...
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#NEWS#GDPR - 13th April 2021
Do I need a European representative for GDPR?
The GDPR came into force in May 2018 in the European Union; since Brexit, the UK has signed into law equivalent legislation (the UK-GDPR is an...
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Highly Commended as Omnichannel Technology Vendor of the Year
At Iconography, we're thrilled to be able to say that amidst the chaos of 2020 and 2021, the hard work of our highly skilled team has been recognised...
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